Tuesday 31 May 2016


It was a beautiful snowy day, kids would play outside with the snow. They would even make snowmen and snowballs to chuck at others. It was hilarious. Later on that day, Mary Jane sees a shadow behind a bush. She goes towards it. OHHH! NOOO! Her Heart pounds, as she saw The Joker and Dead pool approaching. By the angry looks on their faces, she knew that she was in grave danger. So, she ran and ran until she was out of breathe. But, The joker and Dead pool were too fast for M.J. The villains captured her and took her to the top of the Nakatomi Tower.  

She screams for help, but no one comes. They were trying to kill her, so they didn’t feed her or give her any water. Than, a few minutes later, Superman approaches to Mary Jane’s rescue.  Superman says “I will battle you for the beloved Mary Jane. If I win you will give her to me. If you win, then you can tie me up as well as keeping Mary Jane.” The Joker and Dead pool took the deal. They battled and battled until someone was too hurt to fight anymore. Superman lost. The villains tied him up. Superman broke out of the ropes. The villains picked up Mary Jane and chucked her off the building.

Superman dived off the top of the building, and swooped to Mary Jane’s rescue. Flew her to ground and they immediately fell in love. After a while, they celebrated superman saving Mary Jane and dead pool and the joker were put behind bars for 17 years. HOORAY!! Everyone shouted.

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