Tuesday 15 September 2015

Writing Sample Practice and Rubric

Image result for cross country
On Monday the 7th of September we had our annual school cross country. It was a nice sunny day to do it. We had our cross country after Lunch at 1pm.  

My House Colour was Green. There were other colours too. They were, Blue, Red and Yellow. When we were waiting I felt a bit nervous because I thinking about what place I would come in. We had to hop into Boys and Girls lines from Year 1 - Year 8. Once everyone was in their Year Lines then Ms Vaafusuaga talked to us about the rules. It took forever. Moreover, when she had finished talking then the Yr 1 Boys went up to Race first. I was cheering for my brother. When the clamps went ‘CLAP’ the Yr 1 boys ran as fast as they could. My brother was in the lead. At the end I was very surprised about who had came first. Guess Who Did? MY BROTHER. YAY!!!.

As soon as the Yr 1 Boys were finished Classes 6,7,8,9 and 10 moved over by the field to check out the races. While I was waiting for our turn to race I sat down and watched the other people in the school run. It was amazing. After about 30mins, It was the Yr 5 girls turn. Which means it was my time to run. I was feeling very very nervous. Mrs Nua took us up to the starting line. After That, we and got to the starting line and I looked around me nervously. I saw my friends on the other side of me and they were looking like they were ready to race. When I heard Mr Burt go ‘CLAP’ with the clamps I run my fastest I was coming about 10th at first but then I was coming above 10th. I stopped for a bit then I ran again. I was feeling excited when I ran because I was relieved that I wasn’t coming last. Once I got onto the reserve I stopped for about 5min to catch my breathe then I ran as fast as a lion. I was really getting tired but I knew that if I had stopped then I might have came over 20th. So I carried on.

About 10 mins later I reached the finish line. Heaps of people were cheering for everyone especially Ms Vaafusuaga and Mr Burt. I felt really amazed when I pasted the finish line but I was also very tired. I went for a drink of water then sat down to watch the other races.

Furthermore, when all the races were done I went to class and packed for the next day. I wonder how I will feel next year we do cross country. I might feel heaps of different emotions. Let’s just wait and see next year. It was an amazing day for the whole school. I hope that I come in the Top 5 next year.

Image result for happy and cool emojisImage result for emojis

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