Wednesday 19 August 2015

Trade Fair Recount

Introducing: The Trade Fair Recount.

Have you ever been to a Trade Fair? If you haven’t then I am going to tell you about what we did for our Team Trade Fair and our fake money at school.

First of all, I am going to tell you about what we have to do to get stuff from our Team 4 Trade Fair. To get stuff we have money in our bank and it is called PT’S and Pieces. Everyone in Team 4 had a Kids Bank that they could log in to and see how much PT’S and Pieces they had altogether. PT’S mean $ and Pieces mean ¢. The last time I logged into my bank I had 3PT and 50pieces. Other people had a lot of money in their bank.

Secondly, I am going to tell you about our Team Businesses. The Teachers announced 6 different Businesses and The names of them were, 1) Custom Stationery, 2) Musical Instruments, 3) Home ware, 4) Kitchen, 5) Toys and 6) Jewels and Accessories. We had to go onto this link: Enterprise Business Group Choices to choose our Business groups. The rule that once you were in the group that you chose then there was no switching. I chose the Home ware Group. In our groups we had to hop into a group of 2 - 4. I was with Tatiyana and Skye. Once we had chosen our groups then we had to decide what we were going to make. My group decided to make Soap and Candles. So I made a spreadsheet to put down information of what we would need, how much it would cost and where to get it from. Here is the Link to it: Information Spreadsheet.

Lastly, I am going to tell you about what we did for our Team 4 Trade Fair. For our Trade Fair we had to set up in our groups and get our creations together on the table we were working on. Me and my Partners were making soap. My group set up our soap on the table in front of Mr Sommerville’s Class. Once Everyone got set up then the Trade Fair was about to begin. Heaps of People went around ordering stuff from the other groups. For My Soap Group we got 11 Orders. Then after 30mins the people that were going around had to go back to their station and the people that were selling 1st now become the people that were allowed to go and order and buy stuff.

At 3:00 the bell rang and that was when the Team 4 Trade Fair was finished. Until week 8. I hope you enjoyed my Trade Fair Recount. THE END.

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