Wednesday 14 May 2014


Fonterra Milk for schools is a programme for school children to get milk every day at school. Each week, a milk truck comes to school with boxes of milk which get put into a refrigerator. One person from every class takes enough milk from the box to their classroom. Every student gets a carton of milk to drink. Once you have drunk it dry, you need to fold it up and put it in the recycling bin.

The first reason why milk is important to drink is that it keeps you hydrated. Over half of our body is full of water and that is why we need to keep drinking more and more of water to keep hydrated or we will get dehydrated.

The second reason is that there is a lot of calcium and protein in milk, which builds muscles in your body. We need calcium for healthy teeth and bones. The calcium in milk helps to keep all 206 bones and 639 muscles in your body strong and stops you from braking your bones more often.

There are blue recycling bins at Pt England School that are only for our milk cartons, but before you put the milk cartons in the bin, you have to make sure you have drunk it dry, fold it flat, and send it back.

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